In March 2023, we alerted the the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic (DVCA) to persistent deadnaming issues that have been impacting students’ experiences at Curtin.
The Guild is working to overcome the issue of dead naming. We have had some early wins including at graduation ceremonies. The challenge is that student data is held in many IT platforms and Curtin has to make changes one system at a time.
Keep reading to learn about our current prioirty areas of this project and our recent wins. As of August 2023.
What is deadnaming?
‘Deadnaming’ is when a transgender, non-binary or gender diverse individual is referred to by a former (often birth) name and is a form of harrassment and discrimination.
Current Priority Issues
In response to recommendations submitted by the Guild, the Office of the DVCA has established a working group to address key deadnaming issues. This is an important and high priority issue that is being worked on collaboratively across a number of areas at Curtin to resolve.
These issues and current progress (current as at 1st July 2024) are included in the table below.
Issue |
Progess to Resolution |
Curtin systems using students’ formal ‘first name’ and not their ‘preferred name’.
Work to identify a long-term solution for all systems commenced in late August 2023. Business Analysts have been recruited into DTS, and a business case is being finalised.
Student ID cards displaying students’ formal ‘first name’ and not their ‘preferred name’.
Student ID cards can be printed by Curtin Connect (free of charge) with a student's preferred name, as long as their preferred name has already been updated in eStudent. Curtin Connect can help with the eStudent update for students needing tech support in this matter.
Students being referred to by their formal ‘first name’ by student-facing staff and not their ‘preferred name’.
Work to improve training provided to student-facing staff around deadnaming and other key diversity, inclusion and belonging topics is in progress. A short-form Ally training session is currently being rolled out and can be bespoke to each area.
The current Level 1 ALLY training is being reviewed and updated to better address the issue of deadnaming for all student-facing staff.
Confusion around the process and requirements for changing a ‘preferred’ or formal ‘first name’ with Curtin.
Development of resources for students and staff that explain the name change process is in progress. In the interim students can find out about the documents required for updating legal names here.
Deadnaming Feedback Form
Want to report an instance of deadnaming you have experienced at Curtin?
This is also where you can provide any feedback on the solutions and fixes that are implemented regarding deadnaming at Curtin.
If you have any questions about any of the fixes please do not hesitate to reach out to the Queer Officer at
Latest Updates
For the most up to date 'Deadnaming at Curtin' information, follow the Guild's Queer Department on Instagram.
Fri 28 Apr 2023