Your student representatives are always working towards making sure you receive a high quality education and a great university experience. Explore some of the latest projects that the Guild is working on.

Deadnaming at Curtin

Discover how we are taking a stand against deadnaming at Curtin by addressing ongoing issues. Learn about our collaborative efforts to create an inclusive environment for all students.

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program

The Guild is a proud partner of the Disabilities Sunflower Program, a program designed to support individuals with Hidden Disabilities. Learn more about the iniative and find how you can access a sunflower product.

Improving Australia's Higher Education

The Australian Government has established the Universities Accord, a 12-month review of Australia’s higher education system. Learn more about the Guild's recommendations and read the final report.

Content Warnings

Content warnings give students control over their learning and ensure a safe, inclusive environment. Learn how the Guild is working with the university to better implement content warnings.


Students who identify as LGBTQIA+ have the right to feel safe and welcome at Curtin. Learn more about what the Guild's Queer Department has been working on.

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