Veronika Gobba



My name is Veronika Gobba (she/her) and I am a third-year student studying Economics and International Relations. Throughout my time as a student, I have seen and experienced the lacklustre care for students’ welfare and education from Curtin, but I have also been inspired by the work that Illuminate has done to secure wins for student support and quality education. I am passionate about continuing this fight for students, and that is why I am very excited to be running for the position of Vice President – Education for 2023!

My experience as the Guild Humanities Representative this year has really enlightened me to the issues that students experience, and the barriers that prevent students from fulfilling their potential and having an amazing university experience. I see so much passion within the Humanities faculty and across the University, and I want to use my time as VP to campaign for what students want but often don’t have the time or energy to do (because being a student is a struggle fr). I want to make sure no student is forgotten, and ensure that myself and the Guild are open and transparent for consultation and collaboration to anyone.

If elected to this role, I would dedicate myself to: 


  • Opposing staff cuts and guiding the University to reduce their reliance on sessional and casual academics
  • Ensuring units with low pass rates are meaningfully reviewed and refreshed
  • Ensuring mandatory textbooks are available through the library
  • Opposing the unfair Job Ready Graduates package 
  • Campaigning for paid practicals and better working conditions for students
  • Increasing Guild funding to support students who do not pay SSAF
  • Supporting the faculty and equity reps to deliver their campaigns and services as smoothly and amazingly as possible.

Illuminate has an incredible history of success within the Guild and I am proud to be a part of that. I am extremely excited for the Illuminate candidates running for the Guild in 2023, so please come talk to us, check out our policy platform and vote! 

Vote [1] Veronika Gobba for Vice President - Education! 
Vote [1] Dylan Botica for President!
Vote [1] Illuminate!