Salwa Kilzi


Salwa Kilzi

Hi everyone! My name is Salwa Kilzi, pronouns she/her; I am currently undertaking a Bachelor of Psychology as a second-year student, and I am the Women's Officer of 2022, and I am running to be the VP of Activities in 2023! 

Events and activities are my passion, providing students with fun and accessible events to de-stress, to have fun or just eat free food! I aiming to make a lasting impact in my community and achieve this with organisation, a lot of passion, and the love of a good time. I want to create that community spirit that our university lacks, through my experience as a Woman of colour and during my time at the Guild as the Woman's Officer 2022, secretary of Woman's Collective 2021, my time between different clubs and being a New to Curtin Mentor 2021—I was able to much insight from so many students about what their opinions on events and clubs are.

As someone who is a passionate advocate for clubs, I want to make registration requirements for small clubs less intensive, making it easier for students to start clubs and provide support for clubs find their rhythm. I hope to install public art all around campus bringing it to life, also having more pop-up stalls throughout campus with food, activities and music. I want it to be easier for students to find clubs, by having more club events on campus, more social events, and having a list of all the clubs and their upcoming events available for all students. 

I believe I have the passion and experience to organise events that enable Curtin to become a more comfortable and progressive place for students with a vibrance and a strong social scene. I hope that Curtin can become a place where everyone can express themselves freely without judgement on campus. So, if you want to help me create this wonderful environment 

Vote [1] Salwa Kilzi for VP of Activities!

Vote[1] Salwa Kilzi for NUS Delegate!

Vote [1] Dylan Botica for President!

Vote [1] Illuminate!