Max Zhang


Max Zhang

My name is Max Zhang (he/him) and I am a first year Engineering student and I am running for a position on the Guild Council. 

I am on the First Year committee as an Engineering Rep, and I was a part of my high school Student Council for 2 years. I believe that I carry the necessary experience to properly represent you and your interests on the Guild Council. 

Personally, I strive to build a better environment for students, where everyone can feel welcome and where everyone can feel like they belong. University is a different lifestyle to anything else we as students have experienced before, and I intend to make it easier on everyone while we study here at Curtin. Saying all this is one thing, but I have the proper background research, large scale surveying and structured debate skills to pull it off. 

Once I'm elected, I will immediately focus on lowering costs for all students. Whether it be tuition fees, housing on campus or costs of parking. University can be tough at times, and finances should be the least of a student's worries. Going hand-in-hand with this will be a plan to create more jobs on campus for students, which not only gets you a bit more cash flow, but also helps students practice writing resumes, cover letters, professional emails and more which will be immensely helpful once we step out into the real world.  

Alongside this, I will advocate for a better campus environment, more activities, and generally try to make the campus more lively, instead of just somewhere to do boring study. The campus is still stuck in the state it was in during COVID, with hardly any social activities, groups of friends roaming campus, or any sort of friendly inter-faculty competitions. I will do my best to drag the campus life out of its current state, and bring us closer together as a community.

Another main focus of mine is ensuring that all the proper support services are readily available to all students, whether it be online or on-campus. This means more accessible and better advertised mental health advisors. This means more educational support for ALL students, across ALL faculties, in ALL units. This means a better service for those students focused on improving their physicality. This means a pharmacy right here on campus. This means more and cheaper accommodation for everyone. This means doctors, nurses, interpreters, dieticians, tutors, and whatever else YOU need to become the best version of yourself. 

Remember, if you want to spend less money, have more fun, AND look after yourself, be sure to 

Vote [1] Max Zhang for Guild Council!
Vote [1] Dylan Botica for President!
Vote [1] Illuminate!