
Max Zhang

Hello everyone, my name is Max Zhang (he/him), I am a Mechatronics Engineering student currently in my second year of studies at Curtin and this is my second year running in the Guild elections. This year, I am running for the Vice President - Activities position with Illuminate. 


As the current Faculty of Science and Engineering representative and a member of a club committee, I work closely with the current VP-Activities to plan and run events for students, and I am familiar with the role and its responsibilities. I am also experienced in working in the Guild environment, having already served as a First Year representative in 2022 and as a Faculty representative in 2023. I know how to work with people, to organise and plan in this team environment, and to bring my best self to this role. 


Personally, I will be entering this role with a very club centric focus, and I plan to streamline the process for clubs to be set up and to run events. I have seen the success of Guild and club events throughout this year, and I hope to further this and to bring more life to our campus by running bigger and better events and by encouraging and assisting clubs to run more on campus events for all students. 


I also plan to help clubs with various tools, workshops, tips and tricks in ensuring success at their events, and more in order to better the experience of both the people running the clubs AND the students who are part of these clubs, to better the experience of ALL students on campus. 


I have the passion and and I bring the experience to serve YOU as the Guild Vice President - Activities, and I hope you will support me in this endeavour to make our lives on campus more eventful. 


Remember to:
Vote [1] Max Zhang for Vice President - Activities!
Vote [1] Jasmyne Tweed for President!
Vote [1] Illuminate!

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