Imari Morris
Hi! I’m Imari, and my pronouns are he/they. I’m an International Relations Student in my third year, and I’m very excited to be running for Humanities Faculty Representative for 2024.
I first got involved in the Guild through the Women’s Department Equity Collective, where I had the opportunity to help out with some Guild events and support the Women’s Officer at the time. In 2023 I served as the Queer Officer and had the chance to support lots of students and campaign really strongly for increased inclusivity at Curtin. I spearheaded the End Deadnaming On Campus Campaign, working to ensure student’s correct names are consistent across all Curtin systems. I also have experienced sitting on some of the University’s diversity committees, and have never hesitated to speak up and represent the student voice.
I will bring this experience to the role of Humanities Representative and work hard to support Humanities students and tackle issues within the Faculty. I am very interested in making sure education is accessible and that all students are treated equitably.
One of the issues I have come across as a student, which I would like to work to fix, include having proper warnings for confronting material in tutorials or lectures. Something else I have found is that the way some assignments are structured means students could be waiting for months for feedback for assignments that they submit early in the semester.
For a Rep that’s experienced and enthusiastic:
Vote [1] Imari Morris for Humanities Representative!
Vote [1] Jasmyne Tweed for President!
Vote [1] Illuminate!