Hannah Northey


Hannah Northey

Hi everyone! My name is Hannah Northey (she/her) and I am a third year studying law and international relations who is running to be the Faculty of Business and Law.


While I have been at Curtin I have been involved in the Business and Law faculty through being a New to Curtin Mentor as well as a Student Consultative Committee Representative. I have also been actively involved in the Guild through being an Ordinary Representation Board Member and the Chair of the Representation Board. I therefore have an understanding of both students in FBL and the workings of the Guild and can bring this into the position to represent us and fight for a better student experience at Curtin University.


A central part of my nomination is my passion for student equality and wellbeing, I believe that all students deserve a representative who will keenly listen and take action on their behalf. I value the student voice and believe that being a student representative is a unique privilege to ensure improvements and change for the betterment of your peers.


If elected, I will represent the students of the Faculty of Business and Law to the best of my ability. My focuses for 2024 include:

Promoting FBL student engagement for the purpose of the increased visibility of internship and workforce opportunities
Having more FBL student gatherings on campus (events and workshops)
Cheaper costs for essential textbook information to be released earlier and be available through the library
Ensuring clubs have access to support and funding 
Reducing the stress of assignments (mandatory draft submission portals and greater assignment feedback)


I will stand in support of addressing student issues and enhancing student rights.

Vote [1] Hannah Northey for Faculty of Business and Law Representative and NUS Delegate!
Vote [1] Jasmyne Tweed for President!
Vote [1] Illuminate!

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