Filiz Keles


Filiz Keles

Hi everyone, my name is Filiz (She/Her). I am a second-year psychology student, and I am running for Guild Accessibility officer in 2024! 


As a neurodivergent student who views and senses the world from a unique perspective, I recognise the need to improve the current learning environment at Curtin. I seek any opportunity to make these improvements, which have the potential to enrich the lives of everyone, particularly those with disabilities. Recently, I was involved in the focus group at Curtin regarding developing effective learning design for equity students using a students as partners approach. I shared many of the concerns my peers and I experience at Curtin. 


 I believe equal access to education means an all-encompassing learning environment. Students with varying disabilities must be considered when designing infrastructures, learning materials and support services. If elected, I will advocate for more student collaborative approaches and universal design as the premises of any future improvements.


Areas of focus:
In collaboration with students, encourage the design of a designated sensory room equipped with appropriate fixtures and fittings dedicated to students with sensory needs.
Raise the accessibility of Curtin Counselling services.
Push for a redesign/update of Oasis and Blackboard to ensure consistency and customisability to ensure that it meets the needs of individuals. 
Ensure dimmed light sections within all classrooms and lecture theatres! 
Accessible lockers for everyone! 
In collaboration with neurodiverse students, design a training program to inform Curtin’s teaching staff about the multiple learning needs of all students. 


My desire to help and support students at Curtin has led me to volunteer in various positions. This year I volunteered as a mentor to first year students as well as during orientation week. I also volunteered as a teaching assistant in the academic writing workshop for Health Sciences at Curtin to support students to improve their writing skills. Through these programs, with student feedback, I recognise the many areas at Curtin that need significant improvements.


I am someone who truly cares, works diligently and is dedicated to ensuring that Curtin caters to all students equitably.

Vote [1] Filiz Keles for Accessibility Officer!
Vote [1] Jasmyne Tweed for President!
Vote [1] Illuminate!

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