All clubs are required to register with the Guild and renew their registration annually in order to remain affiliated and continue operating as a 'Curtin' club.
A renewal or registration update is required each new year and a renewal project is assigned to all club TidyHQ accounts in October. The renewal project includes a series of administrative tasks that are mandatory to complete and submit for Guild approval in order to remain registered. The full renewal process is outlined in the Club Renewals Policy.
The renewal period will open each year on 15 October and close 15 February of the following year.
Club Renewals are only for already established Guild clubs. If you’re looking to start a new club and register for the first time, please submit an expression of interest instead.
To name a few, the benefits of running a Guild club are:
- Get access to club perks such as grants, access to venue bookings, public liability coverage, promotion and major event assistance, and more.
- For Bentley-based clubs, additional perks include free function packs, free BBQ's,free equipment loans, invites to major Guild events such as O-Day & Club Carnival (where you'll sign up most of your members).
- Permission to use "Curtin" in your club name.
- A listing on the Guild website.
- Access to major event support, guidance, risk assessments, event planning templates and advice from an experienced team.
- Access to software management system to run the club (TidyHQ) which includes a website, membership sign-ups, ability to sell merch & event tickets, track finances, easy Guild club renewals, reporting functionality, meeting module with inbuild task delgations and more.
- Receive official Curtin Extra recognition.
- and so much more!
Each year, committee members must complete the Guild's mandatory training modules. We will take you through some mandatory processes for Guild-affiliated clubs. The workshops also provide club officers with the tools, skills, confidence and knowledge to successfully run their club, engage their members and manage your club administration effectively.
- Induction
- Financial Management
- Event Management
TidyHQ is a dynamic platform that will make it quick and easy for all Guild-registered clubs to:
- Manage your memberships
- Keep in touch with your contacts
- Have visibility over the financial health of your organisation
- Coordinate events
- Run your meetings
- Track the actions assigned to each committee member
- Sell merchandise or fundraising items
Use of TidyHQ is compulsory for all Guild clubs to receive a confirmed registration status and retain access to club perks.
Getting Started
Each club’s previous committee should provide the newly elected committee with admin access upon election. You should receive an automated email via TidyHQ inviting you to activate your account. Simply click through the link in your activation email to get started! Please contact if you require your activation email to be re-sent.
Mandatory Usage
The following apps within the platform are compulsory to use in order to maintain Guild affiliation. The apps must be kept up-to-date:
Contacts: Committee Contacts Lists. These must always include full name, student ID, phone, email, pronouns & preferred names at the minimum.
Committee Contact Lists: All committee members must be assigned a role within the platform and provided with admin access.
Meetings: This is only mandatory for AGM's, General Meetings and SGM's. Optional use for committee meetings but it is recommendedd for good house keeping in order to avoid lost data during handovers year-to-year.
Finances: All income, expenses, petty cash, assetss, bank statements, receipts, Bank Account and ABN must be recorded here. Training is provided, please refer to the Finances and Treasurer Training Workshops.
Memberships: Memberships must only be taken via your TidyHQ only. No external sign-up forms are permitted. Cash and Guild Club voucher payment options can also be available via TidyHQ memberships and the Guild Club Support Team will provide instructions on how to set this up prior to Guild O-Day via a TidyHQ Project with task instructions. Please follow-up if you do not receive this.
Web Pages: Your Club objectives and description, membership information, a safe sapces agreement, the club's consitution and club contact details must be live at all times.
Guild Assigned Projects: Projects are assigned to clubs for mandatory administrative updates. For example, each year, clubs are required to renew their affiliation with the Guild to remain active as per the Guild Club Renewals Policy. A renewal project with accompanying task instructions will be sent to all club TidyHQ accounts by no later than the 15 October along with a deadline and without successful completion, the club's registration will expire. Other projects may be issued throughout the year if specific task instuctions and processes are are required to be followed. An example of this may be if a club contacted the Club Support Team to advise them that they wish to change club bank accounts or develop/amend a custom constitutions, a project with task instructions may be issued.
Expired and Inactive Registrations
Clubs without an active registration are prohibited from operating in any way. This means access to the following are also restricted:
- CAN'T access venue bookings or run events on or off-campus.
- CAN'T renew memberships and take on new memberships. Expressions of interest are permitted only.
- CAN'T run activities or events. Any event run is not covered by the Guild’s Public Liability insurance until your club is registered – this leaves you personally liable for incidents.
- CAN'T have a stall at O-Day or participate in other University events (even if invited).
- CAN'T apply for any grants, funding, or sponsorship from the Guild
A club's registration status may expire if:
- A Guild assigned TidyHQ project is not complete by the deadline set. Clubs who missed the deadline are welcome to continue completing projects and tasks after the deadline, however please be aware that your application will remain inactive (with the above parameters in place) until the project is successfully completed and approved.
- The mandatory committee roles become vacant and cannot be filled as per the clubs constitution.
- Written notice from the Guild has been provided as per the Guild's Clubs Escalation Policy.
Need Help?
If you require advice on how to complete project tasks or address a concern relating to your inactive club registration, contact the Club Support Team:
The Society may, at any time, by a Special Majority vote of Members present at a General Meeting called for the purpose, be dissolved.
The Guild must be notified in writing and it is recommended that the club seek support prior to doing so.
The club's Guild approved constitution must be followed to formally dissolve the club. Please note however, that there are circumstances in which the Guild Council or Discipline Tribunal are empowered to dissolve a student society. These can be found in the by-laws.
To stay affiliated for 2025 and continue operating as a club, you must successfully complete a Renewal Project. Club Renewals are only for already established Guild clubs.
Get admin access to TidyHQ
You must ensure you have admin access to your club's TidyHQ account. If you do not yet have admin access to your TidyHQ account, please request this from your outgoing committee. If you have no luck, please then email to request that your activation emails be reissued.
Login to TidyHQ via your club's Tidy website, go to the "Projects" menu item & complete the "Renewal Project".
A club that fails to successfully complete its renewal tasks by 15 February will expire and be considered inactive.
Expired and Inactive Registrations
Clubs without an active registration are prohibited from operating in any way. This means:
- CAN'T access venue bookings or run events on or off-campus.
- CAN'T renew memberships and take on new memberships. Expressions of interest are permitted only.
- CAN'T run activities or events. Any event run is not covered by the Guild’s Public Liability insurance until your club is registered – this leaves your committee personally liable for incidents.
- CAN'T have a stall at O-Day or participate in other University events (even if invited).
- CAN'T apply for any grants, funding, or sponsorship from the Guild
- will have their club listing on the Guild website deactivated.
- may be subject to further actions as per the Club Escalation Policy.
A club's registration status may expire if:
- A Guild assigned TidyHQ project is not complete by the deadline set. Clubs who missed the deadline are welcome to continue completing projects and tasks after the deadline, however please be aware that your application will remain inactive (with the above parameters in place) until the project is successfully completed and approved.
- The mandatory committee roles become vacant and cannot be filled as per the clubs constitution.
- Written notice from the Guild has been provided as per the Guild's Clubs Escalation Policy.
Need Help?
If you require advice on how to complete project tasks or address a concern relating to your inactive club registration, contact the Club Support Team: