Hosting a stall on campus is a great way to promote your club, run a membership drive or sell tickets to club events. On this page you will find the following:
- Guild Events - O-day, Clubs Carnival.
- Curtin Events - Open Day and faculty events (& how to check your own eligibility).
- Pop-Up Stalls - book a club stall on campus.
- Stall Planning Tips - branding guidelines, merch recommendations, other promotion opportunities, how to prepare a campaign pitch & more.
The Guild run events throughout the year and will invite clubs to host a stall. Here are some of the main annual events that you should consider preparing for....
Guild O-Day
Guild O-Day is one of Curtin Student Guild’s biggest events of the year. It forms an important part of the University’s orientation program and offers attendees a unique insight into the university experience. With students keen to receive many highly anticipated freebies, browse/join campus clubs and societies, and explore a variety of services tailored to the university market, stallholders gain access to a captive audience and a highly targeted demographic. Guild O-Day provides a unique environment to connect with new students and gain new members. This event has been known to expect up to 12,000 attendees in semester one, and up to 7,000 in semester two.
This is where clubs gain the majority of their members for the year - it's not to be missed! Mark the dates in your calendar to assist you with scheduling your club activities for the year! Don't forget, Guild clubs MUST ensure their annual registration requirements are met to attend these events, so make sure you're prepared.
Semester One
Wednesday 19 February 2025
Orientation Week
11am - 2:30pm
Semester Two
Wednesday 23 July 2025
Teaching Week One (common free time)
11am - 2:30pm
Stall Applications
Guild-registered clubs & Curtin Stadium Clubs are invited to host a stall. Applications for Sem 2 will be available here and open approximately 6 weeks prior to the event date.
Clubs Carnival
Clubs Carnival offers clubs a second chance at boosting their Semester One membership intake. The event is particularly geared at capturing those students who didn't make it along to O-Day - think second/third/fourth-year veterans, those who couldn't get time off work, or just those who decided they had better things to do in the last week before the semester kicks off. The Creative Quarter will come alive with a festive yet laid-back carnival vibe, including FREE amusements, and plenty of giveaways! This event has been known to attract up to 4,000 attendees.
Semester One Only
Wednesday 26 March 2025
12pm - 2pm (common free time)
Creative Quarter - Curtin Bentley Campus
Stall Applications
Guild-registered clubs are invited to host a stall. Before applying, consider reading the stall planning tips below.
Applications close 16th March 2025 (no late applications will be considered).
Apply Here
Curtin also run events and will often extend an invite for Guild clubs to apply to host a stall. If this occurs, the onus is on clubs to ensure that they:
- Notify the Guild of their involvement in any Curtin event.
- DO NOT participate if their registration has expired, lapsed or suspended. Unregistered clubs are not permitted to operate in any way - please address your registration status urgently. Students participating in club activities while unregistered may be personally liable for any incidents.
Curtin departments may invite clubs by first contacting the Guild Club Support Team. We will extend the invitation to the relevant clubs.
There are some occasions where Curtin staff may contact clubs directly, please ensure notify the Guild accordingly as per the Guild club events policy.
Clubs can host their own pop-up stall on-campus on their own - it doesn't always have to run alongside a Guild or Curtin event. Your options to run a pop-up stall are:
Simple Stalls
Simple pop-up stalls are great for last minute membership drives, event ticket sales and:
- can be booked with minimal notice,
- can only be setup within pre-approved locations (Guild Precinct or Atkinson Forum),
- includes free trestle table loan,
- and must meet all terms & conditions for 'simple' bookings.
Location Options & Details
Guild Precinct
Limited areas along Guild promenade (under eaves) outside 106 buildings and Guild semi-circle area, available for pop-up club trestle stalls.
Vibe: membership sign-ups, ticket sales, event promo.
Use of space: Non-exclusive, spaces allocated at Guild discretion - please follow staff instructions on the day.
Atkinson Forum
Available Mon-Fri; 9am - 4pm
Limited areas outside of the Library or across from the Koi Pond, available for pop-up club trestle stalls.
Vibe: membership sign-ups, ticket sales, event promo.
Use of space: Non-exclusive, spaces confirmed by Room Booking confirmation and subject to no other activities occurring in Atkinson Forum.
- Bond deposit for use of a single trestle table is one student ID. If additional equipment is requested by the club, a refundable bond may be charged.
- All items returned, no pieces missing (where applicable);
- Items returned in a clean and undamaged condition.
- Items returned on time.
- Any damage to equipment will require your club to pay the full cost of any repair or replacement.
Bookings for a simple pop-up club stall is subject to the following conditions:
- Can only be set up in pre-determined locations within the 106 Guild Precinct or Atkinson Forum, at the instruction of Guild staff.
- Guild branding guidelines for clubs must be followed;
- No food or beverages to be sold or given away - If you wish to do this, you may be required to submit an Event Application instead;
- No equipment to be plugged into electrical outlets;
- No music to be played unless approved by the Club Support Team in advance;
- No physical or messy activities permitted, nor activities posing significant risk;
- No commercial activities on behalf of external organisations or sponsors (including but not limited to sales, marketing, recruitment, etc.);
- No solicitation of students and/or passers-by. Persons must approach your stall if interested, you may not intercept or approach.
- Club representatives must be present and in control of the stall/event at all times.
- Stall and/or event must be club-branded. Branding/banners/signage from external organisations is not permitted.
If you cannot meet the terms & conditions for a 'simple' booking OR would like an alternative location than you must complete an Event Application instead.
If your stall includes items that are restricted in the terms & conditions, your event is not considered as "simple", please instead follow the booking process for custom stalls & submit an Event Application.
When planning, check out our stall planning tips.
Custom Stalls
Custom pop-up stalls are for those who cannot meet the terms & conditions for 'simple' stalls. Some examples of custom stalls are:
- if your desired location is not within the Guild precinct (b. 106) or Atkinson forum (outside the library) or,
- you might be setting up lots of equipment,
- you require access to power,
- you wish to sell or provide food/drink giveaways.
Please complete an Event Application instead.
Brainstorm with your committee about how to make your stall stand out with:
Signage, decorations and tablecloth to hide the trestle tables. Make a checklist and budget for what you need.
Giveaways & merchandise. Check out this local perth company that has a deal for Guild clubs, can deliver to Guild reception and has a short turn-around time for orders.
Creative interactive games/ideas
Explore photo albums from previous Guild O-Days for reference
Only lodge your application form once you have planned how you want to run your stall activities.
Membership Sign-Up & Website
Maximise your new member recruitment through:
Club Vouchers
All Curtin students are entitled to receive two $5 club vouchers each year. On event day, a Guild Booth will be set up for students to collect their vouchers if they have not yet redeemed them for this calander year. Outside of event day, vouchers are available from Guild reception 106F at any time after the event throughout the year. Please instruct potential student members that they will need their student ID to redeem the club vouchers.
Club vouchers help new and returning students pay for membership and introduce them to the world of clubs.
Keep these in a safe place and return them to Guild reception to be reimbursed straight into your club bank account.
Find out more: How to submit $5 Guild club vouchers
Update or setup Membership Forms in TidyHQ.
Ensure your memberships are set-up correctly in TidyHQ BEFORE the event. Do a test run with your team.
Update or setup your TidyHQ website page
Make sure your TidyHQ webpage is up-to-date and consider adding any planned semester events, merchandise for sale or anything else you offer members to make it appealing as you’ll find new students will be looking through club pages regularly during the start of each semester, not just around the time of these Guild events.
Show potential new members you’re active by preparing your socials and website in the lead up to the event.
Guild Artwork and Specific Event Promotion
If running a stall at a Guild event like O-Day or Clubs Carnival, download our specific Guild Event social media assets to post on your socials to let everyone know you'll be at the event! Check back here for content closer to the event date.
Facebook Event
DO NOT create a new Facebook event for your stall presence at a Guild event. Please only share our main Facebook event when this is live.
AR Filter
The Guild may set up a “which club should I join” filter for Instagram for some events. You can use the filter on @curtinguild instagram account during Orientation week and re-use it to promote on your club and personal socials. Share to your Facebook Story.
Note: Only clubs who are approved to run stalls will be listed in the filter.
Guild Club Spotlight Video Series
If you haven't already, consider taking the time to prepare and submit a video (for Instagram, TikTok and Facebook) following our filming brief for us to share on Guild social media platforms. Get this video to us before O-Week so that we can schedule the content.
Video submission
Filming brief: Please follow this guide closely. You may submit this at any time of the year for the guild to promote clubs so keep this in mind when running events like an O-day stall if you'd like to plan to prepare content from the day.
Regular posting
Start posting regularly in the lead up to the event so that when new members look to sign-up, there’s fresh content for them to see.
Always tag @curtinguild in posts, photos and stories so that we can share your content to get a wider reach.
Some ideas for posts:
Committee Introductions: If you put this on your IG story, save it to a highlight titled ‘2025 committee’ so it lives on.
Upcoming events or what to expect from your club this year
Use of the AR filters
Any other relevant content that aligns with your club objectives.
Other Recommendations
Update or order new signage such as drop banners and flyers. Please remember to use the Guild logo on some items as outlined in the Guild branding guildines for clubs
Consider listing the events you intend to run throught semester on your flyers/posters to diplay at your stall.
Check out these tips from Canva about some aditional ways to market your club offline(at stalls and events).
When students approach your stall, you’ll need to be prepared to capture their attention.
Focus on:
What are the benefits of joining?
Events, projects or activities you run.
Club belief/ideal: Does your club stand for or against anything? Highlight this.
Personalise it, what are you (the pitcher) getting out of it!
Have a short pitch, you can always add more info if they stick around, make the short pitch engaging and cram the goods in.
Tone. Who are you pitching to? First years: give them all the goods and focus on the fun stuff. For third or fourth years, focus on what they’re going to get out of it when they graduate (particularly if you’re an academic club).
Delivery. Be confident in your pitch, you need to sound like you really believe in this club.
Ask the person their name, what they’re studying, what year and get to know them a tad. If you remember their name, use it when you say goodbye.
Do not chat too much, let them go if they’re just nodding and not engaging – they may be too polite to leave and you don’t want them to remember the club who wouldn’t let them leave.
Freebies! Who doesn’t like a freebie? Stick a little info on the freebie for them to remember later. Always have a freebie, even if it’s just candy.
Support other clubs. Recommend other clubs based on interests you’ve discovered from the people you meet.
Laptops/membership devices should be fully charged.
Consider having petty cash on hand for an alternative membership payment.
Create a QR code linked to your TidyHQ Membership webpage so people can sign up on their own device if they are not paying via cash or Guild vouchers.
Be identifiable. If you have club shirts, wear them or consider colour coordination, name & pronoun tags, lanyards etc.
Share the Guild O-day stallholder guide with those running your stall (this will go out to successful applicants a week prior to the event) – read this carefully & be on time.
Be on time to set-up your stall.
DO NOT exceed the number of stall volunteers as stated on each event stallholder guide provides by the Guild.
Accept defeat: If you’ve pitched your club to a potential member and they aren’t interested, let them go and don’t make them remember you because you hassled them for too long. Don’t follow them.
Post event content to your socials throughout the day and tag @curtinguild so that we can re-share.
Take a photo of your set-up and committee running the stall.
Don’t disappear, get in touch with your new members!
Send a welcome email
Provide a call to action such as ticket links to events already planned, links to social media pages, website etc.
Consider adding the photo of you and your stall or a link to a newsarticle about the day so they have a visual memory from meeting you. Remember – they’ve most likely attended a lot of stalls.
Count, package and label your club vouchers and drop them to Guild Reception (Building 106F).
You can mail them too if you’d like to avoid visits.
When the Guild deposits the funds into your club bank account, add a new transaction (Deposit) in TidyHQ and ad a title in the transaction reference and transaction description and title it "O-Day Sem1 Club Vouchers" or something similar and obvious.
Find out more: How to submit $5 Guild club vouchers
Deposit Petty Cash into Bank
Before you pack-up your stall, count the cash on hand and record it in writing/digitally immediately.
Deposit the cash into your club bank account as soon as you are able to.
Record the deposit in TidyHQ and upload the deposit receipt into the TidyHQ transaction as a reference and title it "O-Day Sem1 Cash for Stall Memberships" or something similar and obvious.