Student Assist Appointment Application
Thank you for getting in touch. We're here to help. Our team of Student Assist officers can provide you with information or refer you to a wide variety of services. Our service are unbiased, confidential, and—most importantly— run by the Guild, therefore completely independent of Curtin University. We offer confidential advice related to academic, financial and personal matters.
Curtin Student Guild handles all personal information in accordance with current privacy principles. In order to assist you, the Student Assist Officers may be required to collect, use and disclose your personal information within the Guild, with University staff, Centrelink staff or with other external agencies and bodies. Release of information without consent will only occur when there is a clear risk to your safety or that of others, or where there is a legal obligation. Records are treated confidentially and access to each record is restricted.
By proceeding with this registration, you have understood and acknowledged the above.