Focus for 2024

My focus this year is to:

  • Hold the government accountable for higher education reforms that benefit students
  • Get the university to lock back in the second tuition-free weeks
  • Protect self-certification for extensions

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What does this role do?

The Vice President - Education oversees all things education:

  • Sit on a wide variety of boards and committees to represent student issues and provide a liaison between the University and the student body. 
  • Chairing meetings of the Representation Board.
  • Devise, implement and manage campaigns relating to education issues. 
  • Provide guidance, resources, and support for the Faculty Representatives.
  • Direct and respond to student concerns.
  • Assist in the planning and delivery of education related events (such as Stress Less Week/s, Love Week and the Excellence in Teaching Awards).
  • Assist the President in any matters they see fit. 

This representative attends:


About Veronika

Hello Curtin homies, I'm Veronika, and I am your Vice - President Education for a second year in a row (ahhh get me out of here!!) I am studying a double degree in International Relations and Economics. I started in the Guild as the Humanities rep, and since then, I have grown a fierce passion for advocating for students at a university level, state and federal level.

It is so important that we, as students, remember and remind the university that we are the primary stakeholders in this joint - we should always be at the forefront of any decision made in this space. That is why I love the Guild, because it is an organisation run by students solely for the benefit of students.

Please feel free to email with any cohort/education issues that you have. I also chair the Guild's Representation Board, so please, if you think the Guild should take a stance on something or consider something in that space, feel free to submit something through our motions portal or reach out to me about it. Most days, you can find me on the Bentley campus getting a cheeky emotional support beverage from Concept Cafe (we love a Guild outlet). 

The Curtin Student Guild recognises the Whadjuk Noongar people as the traditional owners of this land, and pays respect to elders past, present, and emerging.
© The Curtin Student Guild 2022. All Rights Reserved.